Customer Satisfaction Survey
6th of October

In September, we launched a customer satisfaction survey, with the idea to evaluate our customers’ needs and then improve our services accordingly.
We had up to 85% response in some markets, from customers representing 40% of our total sales. We thank you all for taking time to respond!
We found some differences by markets but overall the scores were very positive, with a total average score around 8+ on a scale of 10. This is an improvement versus our previous survey of 2012. It shows us we are on the right track and have to continue to work in this direction. Obviously there are always things to improve, and we will use the comments and suggestions we received to serve you all better and have a higher grade next time.
Those who answered the survey were also given the opportunity to be registered for our draw, to win one of the two iPads mini. The draw took place Friday 3rd of October, with the help of our special assistant for the occasion, Merel Milou Appeldorn, the 5-year-old daughter of Willem.
We are pleased to inform you that our 2 winners are Davigel (France) and Leardini Pescados (Brasil). Congratulations – the iPads will arrive to you shortly!
If you like any more information about the survey and the results, please do not hesitate to contact us – thanks again for your business and support.
Laurie le Moullec