J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S
J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S

We look forward to seeing you at the coming Seafood Expo Global 2025, in Barcelona Spain.

Please find us at booth: 2F301.

Logistics staff

Tina Kromann

Tina Kromann Poland +45 6217 2846 +45 6174 5944

Robert Batinovic

Robert Batinovic South East Europe +385 99 7322191

Lisa von Lillienskjold

Lisa von Lillienskjold East Europe +45 6217 2843 +45 2016 2843

Gitte Cohn

Gitte Cohn Logistics Manager +45 6217 2845 +45 2381 0633

Mads Perregaard

Mads Perregaard Head of Logistics +45 6217 2854 +45 2364 2022