J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S
J.P. Klausen & Co. A/S

We look forward to seeing you at the coming Seafood Expo Global 2025, in Barcelona Spain.

Please find us at booth: 2F301.

Genuine Alaska Pollock 2015A fishing season open.

20th of January

Dutch Harbor, January 20 2015

Alaska fishermen sailed out to the fishing grounds at the Eastern Bering Sea and have started catching and processing Alaska Pollock. 2015A started at 12:00 on January 20.

Our crews in Alaska are all hitting the high seas to make it a succesfull season, working hard to continue our business together and deliver the best possible products. We wish them safe fishing!
The first deliveries of Filletblocks, Surimi, Mince blocks and filets are expected to arrive in Europe by End of March earliest. New orders are being negiotated right now with all markets in high demand to rebuild stocks for the sustainable wild caught seafood products from Alaska. The 2015 quota has been set at 1.329 million MT for the entire year, 40% will be caught in 15A season. The Alaska Pollock season ends by mid to end of March, the 15B season opens June 10th and runs till October.
We will keep you updated on the progress inseason. For any further information please contact our Alaska purchaser Willem Appeldorn or your sales manager. We wish you good selling and are looking forward to your business!

Some Alaska Pollock facts:
- Sustainable harvesting is in the Alaska state constitution since 1959
- Alaska knows what is in the sea (independent science) and what is caught (management and independent monitoring real time onboard) - this is important to secure the fishing long term.
- As a result fishing volumes can remain steady at high level and quality of high standard. Through efficient resource management, Alaskan fisheries are biggest sustainable fisheries in the world. This is confirmed by independent certifiers like RFM and MSC.
- Alaska Pollock biomass is about 6-7 times more than catch
- The natural environment of Alaska allows for the most healthy and safe seafood products
- full utilization of the fish, no waste.
- full and transparent traceability from catch to delivery
- 100% independent monitoring of catch and bycatch, realtime reporting.

Alaska Pollock from Alaska (Genuine Alaskan Pollock) has the lowest bycatch rate (1%) of any fishery; continous efforts and measures are made at all times to lower the bycatch.

- 50% of the bycatch is processed and donated to foodbanks in USA via the Sea Share organisation (www.seashare.org)
- 10% of the Alaska Pollock catches are attributed to Community Development Quota (CDQ) to support the economic and social development of the local coastal communities of Alaska
- from the remaining 90%, 50% is for Shore Plants, 40% for Factory Trawlers, and 10% for Motherboats
- Alaska Pollock is the biggest consument fish food in the world, available in a lot of productforms, offering many nutritional benefits such as omega 3.